Herbatint - 7N - Blonde - 135ml


• Gentle Formula
• Ammonia Free
• Resorcinol Free
• Parabens Free
• Alcohol & Fregrance Free
• Gluten-Free
• Suitable for sensitive skin
• Cruelty-Free...Read more


Herbatint is the permanent ammonia-free colouring, containing 8 organic herbal extracts, which covers 100% of grey hair for a natural and intense result that is rich in highlights. Your hair regains brightness and vitality, and is immediately healthier and naturally beautiful.


A formula enriched with 8 organic herbal extracts to nourish and protect hair and scalp, preserve colour intensity and provide a natural and long-lasting result


Herbatint’s gentle formula with a low hydrogen peroxide concentration (10 volumes) allows you to lighten your natural colour up by a maximum of 2 tones. Only colouring with higher hydrogen peroxide concentrations (30-40 volumes) have a higher bleaching power which inevitably affects the hair’s structure and health.

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