This form of boron is well-assimilated and helps to the absorption of calcium, to the production of testosterone, and to the optimal functioning of the brain....Read more
Boron is a trace element which influences the metabolism of nutrients involved in the maintenance of strong bones and may play a role in hormone regulation. Known to nutritional professionals as the “calcium helper,” boron plays a vital role in bone health because it assists calcium absorption and utilization in the body.
Boron is a trace element which influences calcium and magnesium metabolism. Although no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) has been established for boron, the average daily intake is highly variable, having been estimated at between 0.5 and 7 mg per day. Boron is found in most tissues, but is concentrated in the bones, spleen, and thyroid, indicating boron’s functions in bone metabolism and suggesting a potential role for boron in hormone metabolism. Boron is found in relatively high levels in foods of plant origin, such as black beans, peaches, apricots, spinach, strawberries, apples, cantaloupe, and tomatoes. Many of us do not get enough of these items in our diet, and boron supplements can help. Meat and fish are poor dietary sources of boron.
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